We were honored to welcome our Father in Christ, His Grace Bishop John to preside over our celebrations. The highlight of the week-end was our celebration of the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy officiated by Bishop John and our parish clergy with the assistance of our Sub Deacons and altar servers. During the Liturgy, Saidna John blessed and installed our Parish Council members. We commend these parishioners who have volunteered to serve our community as members of the Council. Young PaulIrving was installed as a Life Member of the Order of St. Ignatius. We applaud his parents, Sub Deacon James and Valerie for promoting Paul’s membership.

Thanks to the efforts of our Youth Director, Randah Rachmani, we hosted a very nice family-style parish picnic on Saturday afternoon that featured a range of activities for the children – they had a fun time. It provided a good opportunity for parents and children to get together over hot dogs and hamburgers, games and conversation. Thanks to all who attended and helped set-up and organize this enjoyable event.

Hierarchal Vespers for Thomas Sunday, was celebrated on Saturday evening with Bishop John presiding. The hymns of this special Vesper service were beautifully chanted by our chanters to the edification of those who attended and prayed with us.

Following the Vespers, a reception featuring a splendid buffet dinner was hosted in conjunction with our annual Hufli. The evening was well attended and we enjoyed a thoroughly delightful evening of lively music and dancing, fine food and good fellowship. Special thanks goes to all who assisted with the preparation of this special evening. We are grateful to Wahib and Eileen Saliba for providing the Spring themed table coverings and napkins that made our church hall appear so festive.

Our Feast Day Luncheon was held on Sunday after the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. We enjoyed another delicious meal prepared by our own Chef Douglas, and served by our exceptional kitchen staff. During the Luncheon we bestowed the St. George Meritorious Service Award to the members of our St. George Chanters as we commended them for their dedicated service to the Liturgical life of our parish. Representatives of our parish organizations spoke of the work of their societies and made a financial donation to the parish from their respective treasuries; our Teen SOYO gifted $500, the St. George Antiochian Women offered $7,400, the Adult Fellowship contributed $5,000 and our PTO donated $5,000 to go to our 21st Century Endowment Fund. As always, we are grateful for these donations from our parish organizations but more importantly we commend them for the ministry they provide and the contribution they make in the overall welfare of our God protected community.

Several members of the parish helped underwrite expenses by becoming Sponsors of the Feast Day Week-End; we are grateful to Father Timothy and Louise, Fredy and Rima Audy, George and Susan Jreige, Michel and Vera Sassine and Linda Ayoub for their support and encouragement.

Special thanks and gratitude are reserved for Linda Ayoub and Douglas Howdy for Co-Chairing the week-end festivities and to Rima Audy, Lara Lakis and Amal Hourani for their work on reservations. After we catch our breath, we will be looking forward to next year’s 119th Patronal Feast Day celebration.

Blessings, Father +Timothy

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